Just south of the mouth of the Río Nuquí, rugged Playa Olímpica stretches as far as the eye can see. A local named Señor Pastrana can paddle you across the river in his dugout canoe (COP$6000). To find him, walk south along the main beach road, past the church; he lives a block from the river in a wooden house.
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
Parque Nacional Natural (PNN) Ensenada de Utría
23.1 MILES
This national park surrounding a narrow inlet of water is one of the best places to see whales close up from land. During the calving season they enter…
Nearby attractions
1. Parque Nacional Natural (PNN) Ensenada de Utría
23.1 MILES
This national park surrounding a narrow inlet of water is one of the best places to see whales close up from land. During the calving season they enter…