In Península Valdés' southeast corner, 76km southeast of Puerto Pirámides, sea lions and, in spring, a huge colony of elephant seals are visible from the cliffs of Punta Delgada. Visitors must pay a fee as viewing is only accessed via the property of Faro Punta Delgada Hotel. However, hotel and restaurant guests can enter without extra charge.
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
Reserva Faunística Península Valdés
21.25 MILES
Lying on Argentina's barren eastern Patagonian coast, this oddly shaped peninsula is home to some of the country's richest wildlife. Elephant seals,…
Nearby attractions
1. Reserva Faunística Península Valdés
21.25 MILES
Lying on Argentina's barren eastern Patagonian coast, this oddly shaped peninsula is home to some of the country's richest wildlife. Elephant seals,…