Archaeological Museum of Balochistan

This small but well-kept Archaeological Museum of Balochistan, also known as Quetta Museum, is tucked away just east of Mizan Chowk. The galleries display figurines from Moenjodaro in Sindh province, pottery pieces from sites in Balochistan, and Stone Age implements from the Zhob, Quetta and Kalat Valleys. Despite the name, the museum isn't just about archaeology. There's also a stock of militaria, including a sword - with bloodstains still visible - used in 1919 to kill a British commander.

Other galleries within the complex exhibit Qurans (one written in the hand of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb), manuscripts and calligraphy. Some dusty old photos give a fascinating glimpse of Quetta before the 1935 earthquake. The museum can be tough to find - ask locals to point you in the direction of the Mian Ismail Mosque - the museum is adjacent.