Waka National Park


Waka contains ancient savannah dating back 40,000 years and forests known as a Pleistocene refuge, meaning it is of great importance as habitat for flora and fauna. The park lies on the Chaillu Massif in central Gabon, 450km from Libreville. With no infrastructure for visitors, getting here is a difficult proposition. However, there is a road to the village of Oghoubi where you can access the park. Permits are available from the ANPN office in Fougamou, the nearest town.

You'll need to bring all supplies.

Unfortunately there is logging and hunting of bushmeat in the north of the park, which poses a threat to the environment of the entire park, including the people who live there. These activities are concentrated in the north of the park, and thus there is better wildlife viewing of the mandrills, other apes and elephants in the south of the park.