Hilary Nangle

Hilary Nangle

Waldoboro, Maine, USA

About Hilary

Much to her parents’ dismay, Hilary Nangle dropped out of grad school to become a ski and whitewater bum, earning a Registered Maine Whitewater Guide license and editing skiing and whitewater publications. After working as managing editor for Gourmet News and as features/travel editor for a daily newspaper, she became a full-time freelance journalist and editor specializing in Maine, alpine skiing, and general travel (more parental dismay).

She’s enlightened AARP’s readers about the Northern Lights, visited isolated villages aboard a container-cruise ship for the Boston Globe, savored chocolates for Black Card/Luxury, skijored for Snow, breakdanced an Olympic downhill for VIA, shared a winter’s night atop Mount Pilatus with Afar, kissed a codfish for Ski, and stalked lions for Private Clubs. Betwixt and between, she’s on the road in her home state for MaineTravelMaven.com. When possible, she travels with her chocolate lab, Bo, an expert on dog-friendly Maine. She’s also co-editor of GettingOnTravel.com.

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