Must-see attractions in Namibia

  • Nakambale Museum


    Nakambale, which was built in the late 1870s by Finnish missionary Martti Rauttanen, is believed to be the oldest building in northern Namibia. It now…

  • Naute Kristall


    Call ahead for directions and a one-hour tour of this innovative distillery thats produce NamGin, Namibia's very own, home-grown gin. It's overseen by…

  • Heinitzburg Castle


    Uphill from Robert Mugabe Ave are the three Windhoek 'castles', including the 1914 Heinitzburg, which today houses a hotel and fine restaurant. The other…

  • Agricultural Museum


    The highlight of Helmeringhausen is the idiosyncratic Agricultural Museum, established in 1984 by the Helmeringhausen Farming Association. It displays all…

  • St Barbara’s Church


    Tsumeb’s distinctive Roman Catholic church was consecrated in 1914 and dedicated to St Barbara, the patron saint of mineworkers. It contains some fine…

  • Hohenzollern Building


    This imposing baroque-style building was constructed in 1906 to serve as a hotel. Its rather outlandish decor is crowned by a fibreglass cast of Atlas…

  • Deutsche-Afrika Bank Building


    Swakopmund brims with numerous historic examples of traditional German architecture. The handsome neo-classical Deutsche-Afrika Bank Building was opened…

  • Old German Cemetery


    It's worth having a quick wander past the historical cemeteries beside the Swakop River. The neatly manicured Old German Cemetery dates from the colonial…

  • Dune 7

    Walvis Bay

    In the bleak expanse just off the C14, 6km by road from town, Dune 7 is popular with locals as a slope for sandboarding and skiing. The picnic site, which…

  • Organ Pipes


    Over the road from Burnt Mountain, you can follow an obvious path into a small gorge that contains a 100m stretch of unusual 4m-high dolerite (coarse…

  • Dorslandboom


    One tree with historical significance is the Dorslandboom, which was visited by the Dorsland (Thirst Land) trekkers who camped here on their trek to…

  • Town Museum


    The town museum occupies the 1895 Rhenish Mission Church, which itself is arguably more interesting than the contents of the museum inside. The ramshackle…

  • Grootboom


    The dry, crusty landscape around Tsumkwe supports several large baobab trees, some of which have grown quite huge. The imaginatively named Grootboom (Big…

  • Thilo von Trotha's Grave

    Fish River Canyon

    At the southern end of Kooigoedhoogte Pass, on the west bank of the river, lies the grave of Lieutenant Thilo von Trotha, who was killed here in a 1905…

  • Owela Museum


    Part of the National Museum of Namibia, located about 600m from the main building, exhibits at the Owela Museum focus on Namibia’s natural and cultural…

  • Wondergat


    Wondergat is an enormous sinkhole with daunting views into the subterranean world. Turn west off the D3254, 4km north of the D2612 junction. It’s about…

  • Farm Ibenstein Weavery


    At the Farm Ibenstein Weavery, located 4km down the C15 from Dordabis, you can learn about spinning, dyeing and weaving, as well as purchase hand-woven…

  • Town Museum


    The town museum, housed in the 1903 residence of the settlement’s first colonial postmaster, recounts the historical roots of Rehoboth from 1844.

  • Holboom


    Of the baobabs in Tsumkwe's hinterland, the immense Holboom (Hollow Tree) dominates the bush near the village of Tjokwe.

  • Rock Pinnacle

    Fish River Canyon

    Important landmark rock formation visible from numerous points along the canyon hike.

  • German Fort


    The German fort was built in the 19th century and is an important local landmark.

  • Dolerite Dyke

    Fish River Canyon

    A corner of the canyon, surrounded on three sides by high rocky walls.

  • Kanebis Bend

    Fish River Canyon

    Between Three Sisters rock formation and Kooigoedhoogte Pass.

  • Hell's Corner

    Fish River Canyon

    Sharp river bend between Main and Hikers' Viewpoints.

  • Kraal

    Fish River Canyon

    Down near the Ai-Ais section of the canyon.

  • The Edge

    Fish River Canyon

    Landmark near the canyon's northern end.

  • Tintenpalast


    The former administrative headquarters of German South West Africa have been given a new mandate as the Namibian parliament building. As a fitting homage…

  • Mole


    In 1899, architect FW Ortloff’s sea wall (better known as the Mole) was intended to enhance Swakopmund’s poor harbour and create a mooring place for large…

  • Altes Amtsgericht


    This gabled building, on the corner of Garnison and Bahnhof Sts, was constructed in 1908 as a private school. When the funds ran out, the government took…

  • Kaiserliche Realschule


    Windhoek’s first German primary school was built in 1908, and opened the following year with a class size of 74 students. Notice the curious turret with…

  • Outjo Museum


    Originally called the Kliphuis or stone house, Franke House is one of Outjo’s earliest buildings and now houses the town’s museum. It was constructed in…

  • Gathemann’s Complex


    Along Independence Ave are three colonial-era buildings, all designed by the famous architect Willi Sander. The one furthest south was built in 1902 as…

  • Prinzessin Rupprecht Heim


    The single-storey Prinzessin Rupprecht Heim, on Lazarett St, was constructed in 1902 as a military hospital. In 1914 it was transferred to the Bavarian…

  • Port

    Walvis Bay

    With permission from the public-relations officer of the Portnet or from the Railway Police – beside the train station near the end of 13th Rd – you can…

  • Owambo Campaign Memorial


    At the entry to the train station parking area, you’ll see the Owambo Campaign Memorial, which was erected in 1919 to commemorate the 1917 British and…

  • Litfass-Saule


    In 1855, the Berlin printer Litfass came up with the notion of erecting advertising pillars on German street corners. For the citizens of early Swakopmund…

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