Must-see hotels in Kalibo

  • Marzon Hotel


    Kalibo's top hotel, this extremely well-appointed place is only five minutes from the airport (and around 2.5km from the city centre). It's a five-storey…

  • Papierus Pensionne


    Tucked back from a busy main road with a quiet, if dishevelled, central patio, is this good-value choice with clean rooms, polished floors and comfortable…

  • Ati-Atihan County Inn


    Just a few blocks south of city centre, this government-run hotel offers good value, particularly during the Ati-Atihan Festival, when its rates don't…

  • Garcia Legaspi Mansion


    The misleading misnomer of the hotel's name aside, this is a basic and aged hotel above a bank and air-con store on a busy and loud street. Gerwin, the in…

  • Kalibo Hotel


    This friendly and professionally run old-school place is just two blocks from City Hall, yet manages some quiet. It has dated rattan furnishings and past…

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