Must-see entertainment in Habana Vieja

  • Basílica Menor de San Francisco de Asís

    Habana Vieja

    Plaza de San Francisco de Asís' glorious church, which dates from 1738, has been reincarnated as a 21st-century museum and concert hall. The old nave…

  • Oratorio de San Felipe Neri

    Habana Vieja

    The Neri has had many incarnations since its founding in 1693: first as a church under various religious orders (Oratorianas, Capuchinos, Carmelitas),…

  • Fundación Alejo Carpentier

    Habana Vieja

    Check for cultural events at this baroque former palace of the Condesa de la Reunión (from the 1820s), where Carpentier set his famous novel El Siglo de…

  • Gimnasio de Boxeo Rafael Trejo

    Habana Vieja

    Boxing is hugely popular in Cuba and the country has a long list of Olympic gold medals to demonstrate its skills. Enthusiasts should check out this gym,…

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