Scenic cliffs view in San Xiao, small village near Cedeira, Galicia, northern Spain; Shutterstock ID 485677099; Your name (First / Last): Ben Buckner; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Client Services; Full Product or Project name including edition: Spain OTBT Partner

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Rías Altas

In few places do land and sea meet in such abrupt beauty. The untamed beaches, tower­ing cliffs and powerful waves of the Rías Altas (Galicia's north coast from A Coruña eastward) are certainly more dramatic than the landscapes of the Rías Baixas. They're also less touristed and less populated, making an ideal destination for travellers yearning to get off the heavily beaten path. Add in the allure of cultured, maritime A Coruña, medieval towns including Betanzos and Pontedeume, several lively little fishing ports and the backdrop of a green, farmhouse-studded countryside, and you're in for a travel treat.

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