Must-see attractions in Sendai

  • Zuihō-den Mausoleum


    The mausoleum of Date Masamune sits majestically atop the summit of a tree-covered hill by the Hirose-gawa. Built in 1637 but destroyed by Allied bombing…

  • Sendai Castle Ruins


    Built on Aoba-yama in 1602 by Date Masamune and destroyed during Allied bombing, Sendai-jō still looms large over the city. Giant moss-covered walls, as…

  • Sendai Mediatheque


    Housed in an award-winning structure designed by Japanese architect Itō Toyō, this cultural hub includes a library, art galleries and event spaces. Check…

  • Sendai City Museum


    The city museum offers a comprehensive account of samurai Masamune's epic life, as well as displaying more than 13,000 artefacts on loan from the Date…