Must-see nightlife in Las Alpujarras

  • Cafetería Denebola

    Las Alpujarras

    A bright and breezy cafe on the main drag through town, Denebola is a top spot for a Spanish breakfast – perhaps café con leche (coffee with milk) and a…

  • Bar El Tilo

    Las Alpujarras

    With Bob Marley quietly wailing on the stereo and tables on a charming whitewashed square, this laid-back bar is a fine spot for a relaxed beer or two.

  • Café Europa

    Las Alpujarras

    At this well-placed cafe on Plaza de la Libertad, you can tune into the local grapevine over a morning coffee or fortify yourself against the mountain air…

  • Café-Bar El Chorrillo

    Las Alpujarras

    Positioned to lure visitors straight off the bus, this unpretentious bar serves fine coffees, smoothies and hot chocolate. It also does food but there are…

  • Cuatro Vientos

    Las Alpujarras

    A rough and ready bar where flat-capped farmers come to knock back sherry and graze on slices of ham and cheese. It doesn't look much but it's friendly…

  • Bar La Taha

    Las Alpujarras

    A busy workaday bar with outdoor seating on Pitres' central square. Walkers stop here to quench their thirst and recover their strength over dishes of…