Must-see shopping in Timor-Leste

  • Boneca de Ataúro


    Calling this a doll shop doesn't do this village cooperative justice: here, in a simple building by the beach, marginalised women sew modern, well…

  • Ekipa Tasi Mos


    This excellent initiative by Barry's Place in Beloi involves a team of locals who comb the beach for plastic, sort it here and process it through various…

  • Boneca de Ataúro


    This small outlet sells well-designed, modern, handmade laptop bags, Christmas tree decorations, tea towels and soft toys. The work is done by formerly…

  • Timor Plaza


    Timor-Leste's first shopping centre is always bustling with activity. In addition to the food court, hotel, bar, cinema and various evening venues, there…

  • Taibessi Market


    This sprawling open-air market is the country's biggest and draws crowds of shoppers. It's a fascinating browse through vegetable and fruit stalls,…

  • Empreza Di'ak


    This ecofriendly NGO sells locally carved crocodiles, bamboo straws and pottery. The pottery is an Ataúro tradition that was remembered and brought back…

  • Tais in market in dili east timor

    Dili Tais Market


    Each region in Timor-Leste possesses its own distinctive style of tais (woven cloth), and this daily market has tais of varying quality from across the…

  • Páteo


    This central shopping precinct is a little desultory apart from the busy supermarket with a popular cafe, a great, cheap deli and plenty of Portuguese…

  • Alola Foundation


    Sells tais (woven cloth), sculptures, soaps and other crafts from around the country to support its work with the women and children of Timor-Leste.

  • Fatin Fa'an


    By the water, this fruit and veg market is full of colourful produce.

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