Cala Cala


A worthwhile trip, this site consists of a series of rock paintings of llamas and humans in red and orange tones, dating to the 1st millennium BC. It’s located under an overhang 3.5km beyond the village of Cala Cala, 26km east of Oruro.

Stop in the village to locate the current guardian of the key; this can be tricky, as residents take turns in the role. Try asking in the small store on the left as you enter the village.

The site itself is a 30-minute walk beyond the village, near the old brewery. It was a place of rest for ancient llama trains heading for the Potosí and Cochabamba valleys, where Wankarani traders would shelter in the caves while their llamas grazed. Even if you can't locate the key, it's possible to see the clearest of the paintings from beyond the locked gate. The views from the site of the exceptionally beautiful valley, which provides some of Oruro’s water, are spectacular.

There’s no public transport; expect to pay at least B$100 for a taxi. Charlie Tours offers a half-day tour to the site (B$300).