Bamboozled by the breadth of European travel information out there? Let's face it, it's a massive continent that you could easily spend delicious decades exploring, but let's make it easy. Here's a few handy lists to hang your European travelling hat on, and hopefully they'll help you find a starting point to your travel plans.

1. 10 essential stops for European first-timers

Here are the highlights presented in one nifty three-week itinerary. See it as a thumbnail sketch to Europe - you'll tick off the major cities and get an appetite for the places you want to investigate more.

2. The best ways to see Europe

Planes, trains and automobiles - and bikes and canal boats... Some European cities lend themselves perfectly to certain modes of transport and we've got some classic recommendations. Because Italy and Vespas just go together, you know?

3. Europe's best seaside escapes

A European summer vacation is a glorious thing. For recommendations on the best places to pitch your towel, check out these European seaside escapes.

4. Europe's 8 best night trains

What about the low-lit romance of a night train speeding through the landscape? You save on accommodation costs too. We've got the 8 best nocturnal journeys to take.

5. How to eat well on the move in Europe

Really, how hard can that be in the land of featherlight pastas, artisan cheeses, legendary wine and plump pieces of strudel? Sometimes harder than you think when you're dashing from train station to bus stop. We've got some tips on how to keep your appetite and plans on the road.

6. Europe for football fanatics

Culture, schmulture - if you've had your fill of museums and galleries and all you really want to see is some hallowed turf, here are Europe's top 10 football stadiums to check out.

7. European day trips from capital cities

You've explored a major capital, you've got the lay of the land - now you've got a bit of time to go beyond the city limits. Here are some easy day trips from major European cities to give you another take on the place.

8. How to skip the queues and get straight to the European sights

One thing you might not factor into your European itinerary is just how long you'll spend lining up to get into major sights. They're popular for a reason and you can pretty well guarantee you won't be the only one trying to get a lookie-loo at the Mona Lisa. Here are some handy suggestions that will have you gazelling past all those poor schmucks sweating in line in the midday sun.

Get your inspiration running with our stunning pictorial, The Europe Book.

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Jun 17, 2024 • 12 min read