Sandy setting at Water Taxi Beach bar opposite Manhattan, Queens.

Matt Munro


The largest of NYC's boroughs, and with nearly half its residents foreign born, Queens is truly a world apart. But other than downtown Flushing, Astoria and Long Island City, it's mostly a suburban, low-rise sprawl and a patchwork of diverse communities. Terra incognita to other New Yorkers and far from the fashionable Brooklyn confines, pockets of Queens are as fascinating as anywhere in the city. Gorge at diners and delis from around the world, ride the surf in hip Rockaway Beach and visit contemporary art centers scattered throughout the borough.


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Latest stories from Queens

Stanley Kubrick Stanley Kubrick on the set of 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (1968).


Take a peek inside a new exhibit dedicated to '2001: A Space Odyssey'

Feb 20, 2020 • 1 min read